Gan Izzy campers have weekly specials in addition to the daily workshops and electives. In focusing on one specialty each week, they learn new skills and work towards a goal unique to each week.

Trips are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure your child/ren wear their camp T-Shirts on trip days!

Swimming will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Please send your child with their swimsuits, swim shoes and towels.

Activities include daily sports clinics and swim, cooking, karate, dance, science, free running, nature, specialty crafts, challah baking, Jewish music  and art, yoga, special events, shows and more!

Gan Izzy Sample Weekly Schedule:

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday  Friday
9:00 Welcome Welcome  Welcome  Welcome  Welcome 
9:15 Daily Theme Activity  Daily Theme Activity   Daily Theme Activity Daily Theme Activity  Daily Theme Activity 
10:00  Elective 1  
Half Day Trip 
Elective 1  
 Full Day Trip
 Elective 1
10:45  Snack + Activity Snack + Activity Snack + Activity
11:30 Lunch  Lunch Lunch
12:15 Weekly Special  Weekly Special   Friday Show
1:00  Elective 2  Creative Art Elective 2   Cafe Gan
2:00 Swimming Weekly Special  Swimming Swimming 
3:30 Dismissal  Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal




8:30-9:30 Playdough, blocks, games Circle time & snack
9:30-10:15 Playground
10:15-10:30 Arts & Crafts
10:30-11:00 Sports/Movement/Dance
11:00-11:30 Nature/Science
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:45 Waterplay
12:45-1:00 Change & half day Dismissal
1:00-2:10 Nap
2:15-2:45 Centers in the Classroom
2:30-2:45 Story time
3:30 Snack and Dismissal



Swimming/Water Play

All Mini Gan camper's have water play everyday. This includes water slides, kiddie pools and sprinkler splash.

Campers will have the opportunity to explore dance and movement. This program will enhance coordination, agility and rhythm. In addition, the dance program will introduce them to classical dance techniques.

Body Games

Camper will learn how their bodies move and develop/refine gross motor coordination. This is done through the use of body movement games.

Arts and Crafts

Campers will learn techniques to improve their artistic skills, as well as having the opportunity to explore different media through innovative Art-creating works that reflect positive lessons relevance to their world and just plain imagination!


Campers will engage in hands-on age appropriate science experiments that are both educational and fun-expanding their comprehension of the world we live in.

Music program and Musical Shabbat Party

Music and movement: learning through play and music. Children will achieve basic music competence while having fun singing, dancing and playing instruments and will learn to sing using rhythmic patterns and musical improvisation. Curriculum includes modern Jewish music and well known children’s songs. 

Nature Exploration *It’s So Good To Be Outside!!

Outdoor exploration programs connect children with nature by using hands-on exploration, active movement and play and stories. The program seeks to help the children build the foundation for a lifelong love of the outdoors. 

Mini Chefs

Campers enjoy hands-on fun learning the basic cooking and baking techniques. Kitchen safety is emphasized while preparing delectable recipes. The best part is that they get to enjoy and sample their talents.

Mini Gan will enjoy “in house” trips including:

A petting Zoo, Pony rides at camp, Moon bounce, Animal Show, Clown, Tumble Bus

If you have any questions or would like more information, please email [email protected]