About the Event
Chabad of Southlake Jewish Community Center is hosting our fifth annual "Chanukah at Southlake Town Square" for the local community on Sunday, December 29, 2024 at 5:00 pm in celebration of Chanukah.
This event takes place each year in beautiful Rustin Park just across from City Hall and is open to the entire community free of charge. We usually have several hundred people attending, including many young families. These are people from all walks of life in our community.
Highlights will include special guests including the Mayor, City Council members, the kindling of a giant Star of David Menorah, and special activities for children. Traditional Holiday treats and foods, and holiday themed activities and crafts for the children, will be provided.
Corporate Sponsorship
We invite you to partner with us in providing the community with a memorable, inspirational and exciting evening highlighting the close relationship between our corporations and our community. We feel that this event would be a great opportunity to generate publicity, excitement and goodwill for your business, should you wish to become a sponsor.
As a corporate sponsor, your company will receive valuable exposure as we promote our event through various social media venues and other means. This includes Facebook, Instagram, Our website, email marketing, local press, The city of Southlake will also be promoting the event. Please take a few moments to review the corporate sponsorship opportunities and choose the package best-suited for your establishment.
Personal Sponsorship
We invite you to partner with us by helping to bring the light of Chanukah to the community! May G‑d bless you and your family!
Sponsorship Levels
GOLD - $1,800
- Recognition of sponsorship at the event, Company will be thanked publicly
- Logo/name on marketing material
- Logo/name on email
- Recognition in press releases
- Logo/name on social media posts
- Promotional material may be displayed at event
- Other benefits open to discussion
SILVER - $1,000
- Recognition of sponsorship at the event, Company will be thanked publicly
- Company name on marketing material and social media
- Company name on email
- Recognition in press releases
Click Here to become a sponsor today!
For more information please call us at (817) 451-1171 or email us: [email protected]